に掲載される文献のうち法学関連と思われるものを抜粋し、その後作成者が別途知りえた文献についてこれを適宜補った。収録文献は基本的に1950年までに発表された清末民国法制に関連するものを中心とし、中華人民共和国法制関連はこれを除いてある。分類は上記INDEX SINICUSのそれに従い、一部ではさらにそれを細目化した上で諸文献を発表年順に配列している。また上記冊子体目録では雑誌を略称で表記しているが、検索の便を考え全て完全表記に置き換えた。
- INDEX SINICUS : A catalogue of articles relating to China in periodicals and other collective publications 1920-1955, compiled by John Lust ; with the assistance of Werner Eichhorn, Cambridge, England : Heffer, 1964
- MODERN CHINESE SOCIETY An Analytical Bibliography 1. Publications in Western Languages 1644-1972, G. William Skinner Editor, Assisted by Deborah B. Honig and Edwin A. Winckler, Stanford University Press, California, 1973
- Index to Legal Periodicals, Vol. 1 (Jan. 1926 / Sept. 1928) to Vol. 9 (Aug. 1949 / July 1952), reprint edition, Buffalo, N.Y. : Dennis, 1960
Auther Title Periodical Year a. General a-1. criminal law MacGowan, Daniel Jerome On the banishment of criminals in China Journal of the North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 3 1859 Kerr, John Glasgow The prisons of Canton China review, 4, 2 1875 Jamieson, George Case in Chinese criminal law China review, 10, 6 1882 Gundry, Richard Simpson Judical torture in China Fornightly review, 53, 279 1890 Martin, Charles Ernest Le châtiment et les supplices chez les Chinoirs Science moderne, 7, 50 1893 Enjoy, Paul d' Pénalités chinoises Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris 5e série 6 1905 Kohler, Josef Das chinesische Strafgesetzbuch Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, 20,1 1907 Betz, Heinrich Chinesische Strafrechtsfälle Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 21,3 1908 Romberg Die Konkurrentz im chinesischen Strafgesetzbuch Deutsch-chinesische Rechtszeitung, 1 1911 Michelsen, Erich Einige strafrechtliche Fragen aus der Chinesischen Praxis Deutsch-chinesische Rechtszeitung, 3 1914 Michelsen, Erich Grundgedanken des neuen chinesischen Strafrechts Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft, 35 1914 Loh, Tachuen S. K. The administration of criminal justice in China Chinese social and political science review, 1,2 1916 Lo Wen-kan The criminal code of the Republic of China Chinese social and political science review, 4, 3 1919 Wang, Chung-hui Reform in criminal procedure Chinese social and political science review, 4, 1 1919 Garcon, E. The Chinese penal law Chinese students' monthly 17 1922 Vogel, Werner Die historischen Grundlagen des chinesischen Strafrechts Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, 40, 1 1923 Sabonadière, A. A comparison of the draft penal code of China with the Indian penal code Journal of comparative legislation 3 ser.3 1923 Liu, Keetsin (Liu Chi-ch'in) Über Urteilsformeln und Rechtsmittel im geltenden chinesischen Strafprozessrecht Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft, 46 1925 Trittel, W. Ⅰ: Chinesische Strafprozessordnung. Ⅱ: Ausführungsbestimmungen zur Strafprozessordnung Mitteilungen des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen 31 1928 Tch'en, Hiong-fei. Code pénal de la République chinois. Traduction de Mr. Tch'en Hiong-fei Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 2 ser. 18 1929 Steinwallner, Bruno Chinesische Strafrechtsreform Monatsschrift für Kriminalpsychologie und Strafrechtsreform, 22, 10 1931 C. Yen Penal reform and criminology in China Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 22 1931 Kuttner, Stephan Altes und neues Strafrecht in China Sinica, 7, 4 1932 Yen, Ching-yueh Crime in relation to social change in China American journal of sociology, 40, 3 1934 G. Sylvester The criminal Code of China United States Law Review, 69 1935 Valk, Marius Hendrikus van der The new Chinese criminal code Pacific affairs, 9, 1 1936 Lavagna, A. Il nuovo codice penale della Repubblica della Cina Asiatica (Flornence) 2 1936 Cheng, Chi-yu Chinese theory of criminal law Journal of criminal law, criminology and police science, 39, 31 1948 a-2. civil law Kohler, Josef Aus dem chinesischen Civilrecht Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, 6,3 1886 Montmorency, J. E. G. de. Private law in China Journal of comparative legislation 3 ser. 2 1920 Wang, Tsai Tsong. The principles of the Law of Succession in China China law review 1 1922-24 Hoang, P. A practical treatise on legal ownership China law review 1 1922-24 Wang, Tsai Tsong. The principles of the Law of Succession in China Chinese students' monthly 19iii 1924 Huang, Yu-ch'ang. Étude des régimes successoraux (de la Revue des Sciences Sociales) (Traduit par Li Hsin-yang) Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 2 ser. 10 1924-25 Siao, T'ong. De la succession et de l'adoption en droit chinois Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 2 ser. 10-11 1924-25,1925-26 Allman, N. F. Consignment laws in China China law review 2 1924-26 Chang, C, H. and others. Sources of Chinese civil law China law review 2 1924-26 Chang, C. H. (Chang Ching-hui) / Y. L. Liang (Liang Yün-li) / John C. H. Wu (Wu Ching-hsiung) Persons in Chinese law China law review, 2, 6 1925 Riazanovskii, Valentin Aleksandrovich (V. A. Riasanovsky) Osnovnye instituty kitaiskogo grazhdanskogo prava Vestnik Man'chzhurii, 5 ; 6 1926 Riazanovskii, Valentin Aleksandrovich (V. A. Riasanovsky) Fundamental institutions of Chinese civi law Manchuria monitor, 5 1926 Engelmann, H. Das chinesische Eherecht Zeitshr. F. vgl. Rechtswschft. 43 1928 Bünger, Karl A. Die Quellen des chinesischen Privatrechts Blätter für internationales Privarecht, 4, 7 1929 Escarra, Jean La codification contemporaine du droit privé chinois Bulletin de la Société de législation comparée, 59, 7/9 1930 Schaaf, P. Modernes chinesisches Hypothekenrecht Niemeners Zeitschrift für internationales Recht 44 1931 Foo, Ping-Sheung (Fu P'ing-hsiung) Soziale Gesichtspunke des bürgelichen Gesetzbuches der chinesischen Republik Blätter für internationales Privarecht, 6, 11 1931 Bünger, Karl A. Das neue chinesische BGB : Seine Entstehungsgeschichte und Systematik Blätter für internationales Privarecht, 6, 11 1931 Mills, J. V. Marriage and kindred subjects in England, Singapore and China Pacific affairs 5 1932 W. A. Shumaker Chinese civil code Law Notes, 36 1932 J. C. H. Wu Two forms of toritous liability in the modern Chinese law Tulane Law Review, 6 1932 Escarra, J. Das chinesische Familienrecht in der alten Gesetzgebungund in neuen Kodifikation Sinica 8 1933 Tchou, Kao-yong L'indivision en droit chinois Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 2 ser. 28 1933-34 T. S. Chang Inheritance in China Louisiana Law Review, 20 1935 Nyi, T. Y. The present system of notaries in China China law review, 10, 1 1937 Bünger, Karl A. Beiträge zum chinesischen Privat- und Prozessrecht, mit vergleichenden Hinweisen auf das japanische und deutsche Recht Mitteilungen des Seminars für orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin, 41 1938 Thery, François Sources du droit civil chinois Monumenta Serica, 4, 1 1939 Chao, Koei-tsou. Les pactes sursuccession future Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 1 1940 Yang, Fong-siang. La représentation successorale en droit civil chinois Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 1 1941 Fou, J. Pang. De la situation juridique de l'héritier institué dans le nouveau droit civil chinois Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 2 1941 Gérardin, P. A. Le conseil de famille en droit chinois Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 2 1941 Siu, Siang-fang. Droit de gage et monts-de-piété Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 2 1942 Gérardin, A. L'acte abstrait dans le droit civil chinois Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 3 1942 Song, Kia-hoai. La responsabilité des administrateurs de sociétés anonymes en droit chinois Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore ser. 3 1942 Tcheng, Yong-tai. Obligations naturelles dans les droits francais, allemand, suisse et chinois Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 3 1942 Siu, Chen-tai. Du rapport successoral et de la réserve en droit chinois Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 4 1943 Gerardin, A. Volonté déclarée et intention réelle en droit chinois Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 5 1944 Gerardin, A. and Hoai, A. Song Kia. Révision des contrats et conditions d'existence du droit de dien Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 5 1944 Levi, W. The family in modern Chinese law Far Eastern quarterly 4 1944-45 Ladany, L. Annulation du mariage en droit chinois Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 6 1945 Song, A. Kia-hoai. Le régime foncier en Chine Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 8 1947 Haas, Otto Gewohnheitsrechtliche Vertragstyoenh in China Archiv für Ostasien, 1, 1 1948 Kroker, E. J. M. Rechtsgewohnheiten in der Provinz Shantung nach Min shang shih ksi kuan tiao ch'a pao kao lu Monumenta Serica 14 1949-55 a-3. commercial law China. Laws. The new Trade Mark Law China law review 1 1922-24 N. D. L. R. La législation commerciale chinoise La Chine 57 1924 Allman, N. F. Bancruptcy laws in China China law review 2 1924-26 China. Laws. Loi sur les assurances. Promulguée le 30 decembre 1929(Tranduite …par le P.F. Théry) Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 2 ser. 21 1930 Théry, F. Loi sur le commerce maritime. Promulguée le 30 décembre 1929. Traduction Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 2 ser. 23 1931 Teesdale, J. H. A short analysis of the new Chinese company and partnership law Journal of comparative legislation 3 ser. 14 1932 J. H. Teesdale Short analysis of the new Chinese company and partnership law Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation 3rd series, 14 1932 Regulations concerning legal practitioners in China. Three sets of regulations Chinese social and political science review 22 1938 Bonnichon, A. La clause de prélèvement du fonds de commerce parle conjoint survivant, en droit chinois moderne Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 1 1940 Trade mark protection in China Trade-Mark Reporter, 34 1944 a-4. legal procedure, judiciary Enjoy, Paul d' Le témoignage en Chine Revue internationale de sociologie, 4,6 1896 Wu, Tin-fang Chinese jurisprudence Proceedings of the New York State Bar Association, 24 1901 Betz, Heinrich Die Verwaltungsreformen in China: Die Justizbehörden Mitteilungen des Seminars für orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin, 12 1909 Siebert, F. Justizreform in der Provinz Mukden Mitteilungen des Seminars für orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin, 12 1909 Holzhauer, Fritz Die Personalfrage der höheren Justizbeamten an den neuen chinesischen Gerichten Deutsch-chinesische Rechtszeitung, 1 1911 Lo, Pan-hui A study of Chinese jurispudence Illinois law review, 6, 7 1912 Lobingier, Charles Summer China : Judical organization American Bar Association journal, 3 1915 Chin Wen-sze A Chinese view of the foreign consular jurisdiction in China Chinese social and political science review, 1,6 1916 Chang, Yü-ch'üan The chinese judiciary Chinese social and political science review, 2,4 1917 [Wen Yu Huei Society] A brief survey of the Chinese Judiciary Chinese social and political science review, 4,2 1919 Cheng, F, T. Judical reform in China Chinese students' monthly 17 1922 Morse, H. B. A Chinese court of justice Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1922 Hsu Chien (Hsü Ch'ien) The court system of China China law review, 1, 1 1922 China. Ministry of Justice. Provisional regulations government lawyers of non-exterritorial powers China law review 1 1922-24 China. Ministry of Justice. Rules for the application of law China law review 1 1922-24 Hsü, Chien. The court system of China China law review 1 1922-24 Chang, I Pang History of judical reforms in China China law review, 1, 4 1923 Chan, Y. M. (Ch'en Ying-jung) The Chinese supreme court Chinese social and political science review, 8,1 1924 Kiang, Yung. The development of modern legal institutions and judicial reform in China China law review 2 1924-26 Chang, Yao-tseng The present condition of the Chinese judiciary and its future China law review, 2, 7 1926 Chang, Yao-tseng. The present condition of the Chinese judiciary and its future Chinese social and political science review 10 1926 Vogel, Werner Moderne Rechtssprechung und Gerichtsbarkeit in China Ostasiatische Rundschau, 7, 4 1926 China. Laws. Revised regulations governing the trial of non-extra-territorial nationals in civil and criminal cases Chinese social and political science review 11 1927 Trittel, W. Chinesischdeutsces Wörtervereichnis zur chinesischen Zivilprozessordnung Mitteilungen des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen 30 1927 Bünger, Karl A. Schiedsgerichte in China Internationales Jahrbuch für Schiedsgerichtswesen in Zivil- und Handelssachen 2 1928 Plischke, R. Die Gefängnisreform in China Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft, 48 1928 Tyau, M. T. Z. Judicial administration in China Chinese social and political science review 14 1930 Liu, Francis (Liu Shih-fang) Judical reforms and the Shanghai Special District Court China coritic, 5, 35 1932 Tchou, Kao-yong Note sur la décision interprétative du Yuen Judiciaire au sujet des présents de noces Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 2 ser. 26 1933 Vogel, W. Über moderne chinesische Gerichtsbarkeit Sinica 8 1933 Yang, Chao Lung Judical administration in China China law review, 6, 1 1933 Bünger, Karl A. Aus der chinesischen Rechtsprechung Ostasiatische Rundschau, 16, 3 ; 16, 5 ; 16, 9 ; 16, 11 1935 Bünger, Karl A. Gerichtsverfassung und zivilprozess in China Ostasiatische Rundschau, 16, 19 1935 Chen, Ta-chee Observations on the system of judical supervision in China China quarterly (Shanghai), 2, 1 1936 Li, Alfred C. T. (Li Chih-t'ai) Organization and administration of justice in China China quarterly (Shanghai), 2, 1 1936 Tyao, M. T. Z. The work and organisation of the legislative Yuan China quarterly 2 1936-37 Tang, Edger Cha. (T'ang Chia) Judicial reforms in China Information Bulletin (Nanking) Council of International Affairs, 3, 1 1937 Chang, Y, C. The Bar Association in China Chinese social and political science review 22 1938 Chang, Y, C. The legal practitioner in China Chinese social and political science review 22 1938 Chu, Cheng War-time judical administration China quarterly (Shanghai), 4, 1 1938/39 Commercial arbitration in China International Arbitration Journal, 1 1945 J. S. Carson (with a commentary by Hon. Li Ming) Chinese-American arbitration facilities -- importance of trade arbitration facilities to Chinese-American commercial relations Arbitration Journal n.s., 1 1946 Yang, Chao Lung Powers of Chinese courts Vanderbilt law review, 1, 1 1947 Escarra, J. Le droit chinois moderne et son application par les tribunaux Sinologica 1 1948 a-5. et cetera Meadows, Thomas Taylor Description of an execution at Canton Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 16 1856 Mayers, William Frederick Chinese oaths Notes and queries on China and Japan, 3, 9 1869 Garder, Christopher Thomas Chinese laws and customs Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society new (2nd) series, 15,2 1883 Dareste de la Chavanne / Cléophas Madekeine Rudolphe Le droit en Chine Journal des savants, 66 1901 Bone, C. Chinese prisons and the treatment of prisoners East of Asia magazine, 5 1906 Alabaster, Ernest Notes on Chinese law and practice preceding revision Journal of the North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, new (2nd) series 37 1906 Une exécution capitale à Changhaï Revue indo-chinoise nouvelle (2e) série, 5, 60 1907 The progress of the anti-opium movement among the Chinese Chinese recorder 39,3 1908 Betz, Heinrich Neue chinesische Gesetzgebung Blätter für vergleichende Rechtwissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre, 4,2-6,9 1908-1910 Parker, Edward Harper The principles of Chinese law and equity Journal of the North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, new (2nd) series, 40 1909 Pelliot, Paul Notes de bibliographie chinoise : le droit chinoise Bulletin de l'Ecole française d'ExTrême-Orient, 9, 1 1909 Betz, Heinrich China, 1907-1908 Jahrbuch der Internationalen Vereinigung für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, 8, 2, part4 1910 Betz, Heinrich Die chinesische Gerichtsverfassung nach dem Edikt vom 7. Febr. 1910 Blätter für vergleichende Rechtwissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre, 6,7 1911 Nagel, August Chinesische Volksjustiz Ostasiatische Lloyd, 26, 19 ; 26, 20 1912 Betz, Heinrich China, 1908-1910 Jahrbuch der Internationalen Vereinigung für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, 9, 2, part3 1914 Lobingier, Charles Summer A bibliographical introduction to the study of Chinese law Journal of the North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, new (2nd) series, 45 1914 Suez, Iuming C. Opium suppression Chinese social and political science review, 1,1 1916 Soulié de Morant, G. La protection des oeuvres littéraires et artistiques nationals et étrangères en Chine Journal du droit international 47 1920 Wang, Chung-hui. China from without Chinese students' monthly 17 1922 Blume, W. W. Christian legal education in China China law review 1 1922-24 Blume, W. W. Legal education in China China law review 1 1922-24 Law ruling in China to-day China law review 1 1922-24 Registlation of Corporations China law review 1 1922-24 Escarra, Jean Western methods of research into Chinese law Chinese social and political science review, 8,1 1924 Cheng, F, T. Law codification in China Journal of comparative legislation 3 ser. 6 1924 Shao, Hua Tan. Legal progress in China Chinese students' monthly 21 1925 E. B. Hewes Far East Political Science Quarterly, 41 1926 G. W. Keeton New Chinese codes Journal (of the Society) of Comparative Legislation 3rd series, 8 1926 H. S. Quigley Federalism and foreign relations in China Political Science Quarterly, 42 1927 Pollard, Robert Thomas The economic background of China's Nationalist movement American political science review, 21, 4 1927 Wetgeving, en rechtspraak in China China (Amsterdam) 3 1927-28 Baker, John Earl Chinese views of truce and justice : How taxes and family life have determined the attitude toward law in China Asia (and Americas)(New York : American Asiatic Association), 28, 7 1928 W. Buchler The police in China Justice of the Pease, 92 1928 W. C. Dennis Settlement of the Nanking incident American Journal of International Law, 22 1928 H. A. S. The ‘Treaty’ of Nerchinsk Law Quarterly Review, 44 1928 B. Butcher The emperor's attempt toreform the Chinese government in the summer of 1898 Political Science Quarterly, 43 1928 Amann, G. Chinas neue Gesetzgebung Zeitschrift für Geopolitik (Berlin) 6 1929 S. P. Duggan Factors in the Chinese situation Political Science Quarterly, 44 1929 W. C. Dennis Great Britain, France and Italy settle the Nanking incident with China American Journal of International Law, 23 1929 Justice and politics in China Solicitors' Journal and Weekly Reporter, 73 1929 W. Buchler Legal profession in China Solicitors' Journal and Weekly Reporter, 73 1929 H. S. Quigley National government of China American Political Science Review, 23 1929 Scientific barbarity Justice of the Pease, 93 1929 Escarra, J. La conception chinoise du droit privé chinois Bulletin de la Société de Législation Comparée 59 1929-30 Tyau, M. T. Z. Legislation under the Chinese National Government Chinese social and political science review 14 1930 R. Chang Municipal government in China National Municipal Review, 19 1930 Vogel, W. Modern Chinese law and jurisdiction Pacific affairs 4 1931 Décisions interprétatives du Yuen Judiciaire Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 2 ser. 23 1931 Wo-Chiang Lin Development of aviation and aeronautical law in China Journal of Air Law, 2 1931 W. C. Johnstone, Jr The Feetham report ; a new plan for Shanghai American Political Science Review, 25 1931 P. H. Clyde Railway politics and the open door in China, 1916-1917 American Journal of International Law, 25 1931 China. Laws. lois du gouvernement nationale de la China (Traductions) Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 2 ser. 24 1932 Mei, Ju-ao. China and the rule of law Pacific affairs 5 1932 Shotwell, J. T. Justice, East and West Pacific affairs 5 1932 N. J. Padelford Alien religious property in China American Journal of International Law, 26 1932 A. N. Holcombe Future of the Washington Conference Treaties (Address) American Political Science Review, 26 1932 P. J. Treat Good offices of the United states during the Sino-Japanese War Political Science Quarterly, 47 1932 Q. Wright Responsibility for losses in Shanghai American Journal of International Law, 26 1932 H. E. Jones Shanghai's international municipal government National Municipal Review, 21 1932 Some Chinese puzzles Law Times, 173 1932 A. M. Kotenev Status of the Russian emigrants in China American Journal of International Law, 26 1932 J. T. Shotwell Sun Yat-Sen and Maurice William Political Science Quarterly, 47 1932 M. O. Hudson Report of the Assembly of the League of Nations on the Sino-Japanese dispute American Journal of International Law, 27 1933 C. S. Lobinger Shall China have an uniform legal system? Case and Comment, 39 1933 Kou, P. Solution d'un probléme juridique Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 2 ser. 28ii 1933-34 P. J. Treat China and Korea, 1885-1894 Political Science Quarterly, 49 1934 C. C. Hyde Legal aspects of the Japanese pronouncement in relation to China American Journal of International Law, 28 1934 Liang, Lone. Le développement du droit en Chine depuis 1900 Orient et Occident (Geneva) 1 1935 Rivière, P. L. La législation chinoise L'Asie Francaise 1935 Escarra, Jean La conception chinoise du droit Archives de philosophie du droit et de sociologie juridique, 1/2 1935 D. J. Orchard Man-Power in China Political Science Quarterly, 50 1935 J. H. W A trial in the mountains of Southwest China Illinois Law Review, 29 1935 United States Court for China Harvard Law Review, 49 1936 Chen, Chang-heng. China's legislation: past and future People's Tribune N.S. 15 1936 Padoux, G. List of English and French translations of modern Chinese laws and regulations, 1907-1935 Chinese social and political science review 19 1936 M. Gonsiorowski Interpretation of the Convenant in the Sino-Japanese dispute New York University Law Quarterly Review, 13 1936 Alabaster, E. Dips into an imperial law officer's compedium Monumenta Serica 2 1936-37 C. H. Peake Recent study in Chinese law Political Science Quarterly, 52 1937 J. E. Orchard Contrasts in the progress of industrialization in China and Japan Political Science Quarterly, 52 1937 Chan, C, S. Chinese social legislation and the problem of its enforcement Asiatic Review 33 1937 G. W. Keeton Progress of law reform in China Journal (of the Society) of Comparative Legislation 3rd series, 19 / 20 1937, 1938 (Editorial) C. G. Fenwick The nine power Treaty and the present crisis in China American Journal of International Law, 31 1937 Valk, Marius Hendrikus van der The revolution in Chinese legal thought Pacific affairs, 11, 1 1938 Chang, Yü-chüan (Chang Yü-ch'üan) The legal practitioner in China Chinese social and political science review, 22,2 1938 Roomiantseff, B. S. Scientific works of Professor V. A. Riasanovsky in the sphere of the laws of oriental peoples Chinese social and political science review 22 1938 [Riazanovskii, Valentin Aleksandrovich] V. A. Riasanovsky Chinese social and political science review, 22 3 1938 China; its modern system of legal education Scots Law Times, (1938) 1938 (Editorial) L. H. Woolsey Peaceful war in China American Journal of International Law, 32 1938 Huang, R. T. Principal war-time enactments China quarterly 4 1938-39 Sun, Fo. War-time legislation and future tendencies China quarterly 4 1938-39 Hino, Ashihei Reports from Hainan Canton, 1, 1 1939 Bonnichon, A. La Faculté de Droit de l'Université l'Aurore Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 1 1940 M. J. Helmick The United States Court for China American Bar Association Journal, 27 1941 T-S. Chien War-time government in China American Political Science Review, 36 1942 Bonnichon, André / Cheng Yung-tai Le conflit de lois dans le droit chinois ancien Bulletin de l’Université l’Aurore, 3e série 4, 13 1943 Chinese law applied in America ; a Shanghai arbitration upheld The Lawyer, 6 1943 C. Gordon Our wall of exclusion against China Lawyers Guild Review, 3 1943 C. S. Lobinger Legal education in twentieth century China Lawyers Guild Review, 4 1944 C. S. Lobinger Notarial protest in China The Lawyer, 7 1944 Hsu, Francis L. K. (Hsü Lang-kuang) Some problems of Chinese law in operation today Far Eastern quarterly, 3, 3 1944 Kwangshee Chu. Chinese Central Police College Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 36 1945 C. S. Lobinger Corpus Juris of new China Tulane Law Review, 19 1945 Gerardin, A. and Tsai-K'I, M. Chen. La fondation en droit chinois moderne Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 6 1945 Escarra, J. La Chine et l'esprit juridique Scientia 79 1946 KeChin Wang Double taxation, The problem of, for American business enterprises in China and a Draft Convention for its solution California Law Review, 34 1946 Gerardin, A. L'enseignement du droit civil comparé a l'université l'Aurore Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 8 1947 Escarra, Jean Le droit chinois moderne et son application par les tribunaux Sinologica ,1, 2 1948 Haas, O. Gewohnheitsrechtliche Vertragstypen in China Archiv für Ostasien 1 1948 Pound Roscoe Comparative law and history as bases for Chinese law Harvard law review, 61, 5 1948 Pound Roscoe Progress of the law in China Washington law review, 23, 4 1948 Kroker, Eduard Josef M. Rechtsgewohnheiten in der Provinz Shantung nach “Min-shang-shih hsikuan tiao-ch'a pao-kaolu” Monumenta Serica, 14 1949/55 b. International Law Colombos, C. J. Ships and their owners in the prize courts of France, Great Britain, Italy and China Journal of comparative legislation 3 ser. 2 1920 Padoux, G. Condition juridique en Chine des étrangers ressortisant à des puissances sans traités Journal du droit international 47 1920 Braddell, R. St. J. Chinese marriages, as regarded by the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Soiety 83 1921 Mancini, J. G. Quelques notes sur la situation juridique des étrangers en Chine à la veille de la Conférence du Pacifique La Chine 3 1921 Quigley, H. S. The Shantung question in international law Chinese social and political science review 6 1921-23 Willoughby, W. W. Principles of international law and justice advocated by China at the Washington Conference Chinese students' monthly 57 1922 Chan, Y. W. China's anomalous position in international law Chinese social and political science review 7ⅳ 1923 Yoshitomi, M. Les droits fonciers des étrangers au Japon Journal du droit international 53 1926 Yoshitomi, M. Extradition des coupables chinois par les autorités britanniques de Tien-Tsin, en novembre 1926 Revue générale de droit international public 34 1927 Escarra, J. Droits et intérêts étranger en Chine Revue d'économie politique 41 1927 Heaton, P. The jurisdiction of American courts in China Chinese social and political science review 12 1928 Padoux, G. Statut des étrangers en Chine Journal du droit international 55 1928 China. Wai-chao-pu. Exchange of notes concerning the rendition of the Shanghai Provincial Court Chinese social and political science review 13 1929 Yen, H. The Shanghai Provisional Court, past and present Pacific affairs 3 1930 China. Wai-chao-pu. Arrangement between China and France for the establishment of Chinese courts of justice in the French concession at Shanghai Chinese social and political science review 15 1931 Young, C. K. Real property rights of aliens in China and the United States Chinese social and political science review 15 1931 Le conflit sino-japonais et le droit des gens Revue de droit international (Paris) 9 1932 Bünger, K. A. Zum internationalen Privatrecht Chinas Niemeners Zeitschrift für internationales Recht 42 1932 Padelford, N. J. Alien religious property in China American journal of international law 26 1932 Stanesco, J. B. La Chine devant les nations et le droit international Revue de droit international, de sciences diplomatiques, politiques et socialesSD 10 1932 Fitzgerrald, S. Vesey. Indian and Far Eastern cases on the conflict of laws, 1928-1933 Journal of comparative legislation 3 ser. 16 1934 Fitzgerrald, S. Vesey. Indian and Far Eastern cases on the conflict of laws, 1934 Journal of comparative legislation 3 ser. 17 1935 Wright, Q. The working of diplomatic machinery in the Pacific Problems of the Pacific(1936) 1936 Quan, Lau-King. China's relations with the League of Nations China quarterly 2 1936-37 Hu, H. Y. C. Marriage and divorce in Chinese civil code with reference to the rules of conflict of laws Chinese social and political science review 22 1939 Fitzgerrald, S. Vesey. India Burma and Far Eastern cases on the conflict of laws: 1935-1939 Journal of comparative legislation 3 ser. 22 1940 Nagaoka, Harukazu. Legal aspect of the Pacific War Contemporary Japan 11 1942 International Military Tribunal for the Far East International Organisation 1 1947 Straton, S. S. The Far Eastern Commission International Organisation 2 1948 c. Legal History Chang, I. Pang. History of judicial reforms in China China law review 1 1922-1924 Sheng, R. C. W. Selected cases from the Han dynasty China law review 1 1922-24 Ko, C. F. The administration of criminal justice in ancient China. Chinese students' monthly 18ⅶ 1923 Ch'eng, Tê-hsü. International law in early China (1122-249 B.C.) Chinese social and political science review 11 1927 Keeton, G. W. Chinese law and historical jurisprudence Chinese social and political science review 12 1928 J. B. Littell Missionaries and politics in China - the Taiping rebellion Political Science Quarterly, 43 1928 Liang, Lone Die Entwicklung des Rechtswesens in China in den letzten 30 Jahren Sinica, 6, 4 1931 Buenger, K. A. Alte Chinesische Rechtsgedanken im modernen chinesischen Grundstücksrecht Sinica 8 1933 Hao, Wu-the. The beginnigs of Chinese law People's Tribute N.S. 6 1934 Maspero, H. Le serment dans la procédure judicaire de la Chine antieque Mélanges chinoises et bouddhiques 3 1934-35 Ou, Koei-hing. La peine d'après le code des T'ang Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 2 ser. 30 1934-35 R. S. Britton Chinese interstate intercourse before 700 B.C. American Journal of International Law, 29 1935 Wullweber, H. Rueckblick auf die Gesetzgebung Chinas im Jahre 1935 Orient et Occident (Geneva) 2 1935-36 Wilhelm, H. Der Prozess der A Yün Monumenta Serica 1 1935-36 Riasanovsky, V. A. Mongol law and Chinese law in the Yuan dynasty Chinese social and political science review 20 1936 Thomas, F. W. Law of theft in Chinese Kansu: a Ⅸth-Ⅹth century fragment from Tun-huang Zeitschrift für vergleich. Rechtswissenschaft 50 1936 Shih-Tsai Chen Equality of states in ancient China American Journal of International Law, 35 1941 Bonnichon, A. and Tcheng, Yong-tai. Le conflit de lois dans le droit chinois ancien Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 4 1943 Bünger, K. Das Kapitel über die Gesetzgebung der Tang Dynastie im T'ung Tien Sinologische Arbeiten 3 1945 Auxion de Ruffé, d'. Criminal law in ancient China Journal of the North China branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 72 1946 Buenger, K. Über die Verantwortlichkeit der Beamten nach klassischem chinesischen Recht Studia Serica 6 1947 Franke, W. Ein Document zum Prozess gegen Yü Ch'ien i. J. 1457 Studia Serica 6 1947 Neuville, R. Analogie entre des institutions du droit chinois ancien et du droit français moderne Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 9 1948 d. Constitution Les travaux de la constitution chinoise Asie fraçaise, 8,84 1908 Betz, Heinrich Ein chinesisches Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz Blätter für vergleichende Rechtwissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre, 5,5 1909 Betz, Heinrich Die Verfassungsfrage in China Blätter für vergleichende Rechtwissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre, 5,1 1909 Tsai, Chutung Chinese nationality law, 1909 American journal of international law, 4, 2 1910 Franke, Otto Die staatrechtliche Entwicklung in China seit 1901 Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart, 6 1912 Michelsen, Erich Wang Tsch'ung-hui's Entwurf einer chinesischen Verfassung Deutsch-chinesische Rechtszeitung, 2 1912 Die chinesische Verfassungsfrage 1913 Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart, 8 1914 Bevan, L. R. O. 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The constitution of China American political science review 18 1924 Quigley, H. S. Some aspects of China's constitutional problem Political science quarterly 39 1924 Quigley, Harold Scott Application and the interpretation of the norms of law American political science review, 18, 2 1924 Schüler, W. Die chinesische Verfassung vom 10 Oktober 1923 Mitteilungen des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen 26-27 1924 La constitution chinoise, avec une introduction par André DubosChina quarterly Asie française 1924 Schüler, Wilhelm Die chinesische Verfassung vom 10. Oktober 1923 Mitteilungen des Seminars für orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin, 26/27 1924 Quigley, H. S. The Chinese constitution Chinese social and political science review 9 1925 W. A. Shumaker Constitution of China Law Notes, 30 1926 Liang, Lone (Liang Yün-sung) China's new constitution Chinese social and political science review, 10, 1 1926 New constitution of the Republic of China. Adopted …Desember 11th, 1925. Translated by … Lone Liang and … M. T. Z. Tyau. Chinese social and political science review 10 1926 China. Laws. Organic law of the National Government of the Republic of China. Oct. 4, 1928 Chinese social and political science review 13 1929 The Organic Law of the National Government of the Republic of China Calcutta Review 32 1929 The new Constitution of China Constitutional Review, 13 1929 National Convention of People's Representatives: the Electoral Law Chinese social and political science review 15 1931 Law of organisation of the National government Chinese social and political science review 15 1931 Provisional constitution for the period of tutelage Chinese social and political science review 15 1931 Fairlie, John Archibald Consitutional developments in China American political science review, 25, 4 1931 Chiu, Tso-ming. 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Some fundamental aspects of constitutionalism in China People's Tribune N.S. 9 1935 Hou Yong-ling (Hu Yung-ling) La vie politique et constitutionnelle en Chine Politique de Pékin, 22, 8 ; 22, 9 ; 22, 10 ; 22, 11 ; 22, 12 1935 Green, O. M. A constitution for China Asiatic Review 32 1936 Hoh, Chih-hsiang. History of constitution-making in China China quarterly 1ⅳ 1936 Mei, Ju-ao. On the eve of constitutional government in China T'ien-hsia monthly 2 1936 Two new constitutions People's Tribune N.S. 14 1936 Hsia, C. L. A. A comparative study of China's draft constitution China quarterly 2 1936-37 Chiang, Hai-chao. Wahlgesetz für die Volksvertreter der Nationalversammlung; übers. Von Chiang Hai-Chao Sinica 12 1937 Chen, C. M. The Chinese executive Chinese social and political science review 21 1937 Hsia, C. L. Background and features of the draft constitution of China Information Bulletin (Nanking) Council of International Affairs, (1937) 1937 H. H. Honnoll The New Chinese Constitution American Bar Association Journal, 23 1937 Sun, Fo. The spirit of the draft permanent constitution China quarterly 5 1939-40 Sun, Keewong A constitution for China Amerasia, 4, 4 1940 Wu, John C. H. (Wu Ching-hsuiung) Notes on the final draft constitution T'ien hsia monthly, 10, 5 1940 China's struggle for democracy. An analysis of the proposed post-war-constitutional assenbly in the light of continuing political crisis Amerasia 7 1943 The Chinese draft constitution Amerasia 7 1943 Meng, C. Y. W. Representative gvernment emerges in China Foreign affairs 22 1944 Chi-Yun Chang Prospects for Chinese democracy Political Science Quarterly, 60 1945 Holcombe, Arthur Norman Chinese political thought and the proposed new constitution Journal of politics, 8, 1 1946 Walker, R. L. The control system of the Chinese Government Far Eastern quarterly 7 1947 Chamberlain, Joseph Perkins Structure of China's constitution Far Eastern survey, 16, 9 1947 Dutt, S. China's new constitution United Asia 1 1948 Hsyu, Yih-sheng. The new constitution of China Indian quarterly 4 1948 Mallory, G. W. China's new constitution Foreign affairs 26 1948 Neuville, R. La constitution chinoise Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore 3 ser. 9 1948 e. Extraterritoriality Mohr, F. W. Die fremde Konsulargerichtsbarkeit in China Neue Orient 8 1920 Packer, L. Extraterritoriality in China Journal of comparative legislation 3 ser. 3 1921 Bau, M. J. The relinquishment of extraterritoriality in China Problems of the Pacific(1922) 1922 Hyde, C. C. The resolution of the conference on limitation of armament respecting extraterritorial rights in China American journal of international law 16 1922 Lin, Ching-jun. Solving the question of extra-territoriality in China Chinese students' monthly 17 1922 Escarra, J. Le problème de l'extraterritorialité en Chine Revue (Critique) de droit international privé 18 1922-23 Williams, B. H. 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Extraterritoriality: its rise and decline Studies in history, economics and public law 118ii 1925 Lo, R. Y. Extraterritoriality in China Chinese social and political science review 9 1925 Padoux, G. Extraterritoriality and tariff autonomy Chinese social and political science review 9 1925 Willoughby, W. W. Extraterritoriality in China Chinese students' monthly 21 1925 Bishop, C. M. American extraterritorial jurisdiction in China American journal of international law 20 1926 Bouchot, J. L'extraterritorialité La Chine 8 1926 Hu, Tao-wei. The case for China. Abolition of special foreign privileges and immunities Chinese social and political science review 10 1926 Keeton, G. W. An early plea for extraterritoriality in China Law Quarterly Review 42 1926 Ko, T. T. Just what is the Chinese situation Chinese students' monthly 21 1926 Quigley, H. S. Extraterritoriality in China American journal of international law 20 1926 Yang, Kwang-sheng. China abrogating unfair trearties with the Powers. Current History 25 1926 C. Loring American extraterritoriality in China Minnesota Law Review, 10 1926 S. H. Strawn China today : tariff, extraterritoriality and other problems American Bar Association Journal, 12 1926 G. A. Finch Chinese Customs Tariff Conference (Editorial) American Journal of International Law, 20 1926 G. W. Keeton Early plea for extraterritoriality in China Law Quarterly Review, 42 1926 R. T. Bryant, Jr Extraterritoriality and the mixed court in China Virginia Law Review, 13 1926 G. W. Keeton Growth and scope of extraterritoriality in China Law Quarterly Review, 42 / 43 1926, 1927 Quigley, H. S. Extraterritoriality in China: What program? China (Amsterdam) 2 1926-27 Raalte, E. van. Een nieuw hoofdstuk in de geschiedenis der extraterritorialiteitsrechten in China (Het einde van het Chineesch-Belgisch verdrag van 1865) China (Amsterdam) 2 1926-27 Recommendations of the Extraterritoriality Commission (Documents) Chinese social and political science review 11 1927 Bau, M. J. Concessions and settlements ―and their transference to Chinese Law Problems of the Pacific(1927) 1927 Bau, M. J. Extraterritoriality and its relinquishment Problems of the Pacific (1927) 1927 Yoshitomi, M. Les zones soumises à l'administration étrangère en Chine au point de vue du droit international Revue générale de droit international public 34 1927 Young, C. K. China and concession Chinese students' monthly 22v 1927 L. H. Woolsey China's termination of unequal treaties American Journal of International Law, 21 1927 Otte, F. Niederlassungen Konzessionen und Pachtgebiete im China Zeitschrift für Politik 16 1927-28 Hubbard, G. E. The two sides of the case in China Journal of the (Royal) Central Asian Society 15 1928 Kao, Yin-t'ang. The lease conventions in China Chinese social and political science review 12 1928 Parmelee, M. The international question of the abolition of extraterritoriality in China Scientia 44 1928 Quigley, H. S. Foreign concession in Chinese hands Foreign affairs 7 1928 W. Graham A decade of Sino-Russian diplomacy American Political Science Review, 22 1928 W. C. Dennis Treaty regulating tariff relations between the United States and China American Journal of International Law, 22 1928 Burton, W. China denounces extraterritorial treaties Current History 31 1929 China. Executive Yüan. Regulations concerning foregners in China after January 1, 1930 Chinese social and political science review 13 1929 China. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Agreement for the rendition of the Belgian Concession in Tientsin Chinese social and political science review 14 1929 China's foreign relations. Concessions and settlements Problems of the Pacific(1929) 1929 China's foreign relations. Extraterritoriality Problems of the Pacific(1929) 1929 Kwan, Haitung. Consular jurisdiction, its place in the present clamor for the abolition of treaties Pacific affairs, ⅵ 1929 Shotwell, J. T. Extraterritoriality in China Problems of the Pacific(1929) 1929 Wang, C. T. China's Ansprush auf Rechtsgleichheit Europäische Gespräche 7 1929 China. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Exchange of notes between China and Great Britain relating to the relinquishment of extraterritoriality Chinese social and political science review 14 1930 China. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Exchange of notes between China and Mexico for the relinquishment of extraterritoriality Chinese social and political science review 14 1930 China. State Council. National government's mandate and statement on the abolition of extraterritoriality Chinese social and political science review 14 1930 Gilbert, R. China's desperate gesture Asia (and the Americas) 30 1930 Shotwell, J. T. China's policy of unrestricted sovereignty Current History 31 1930 Wilhelm, R. Die Aufhebung der Exterritorialität der Ausländer in China Sinica 5 1930 Q. Wright Some legal consequences if extraterritoriality is abolished in China American Journal of International Law, 24 1930 Agreement relating to the Chinese courts in the International Settlement at Shanghai Chinese social and political science review 14 1930 China. National People's Convention Manifesto of the National People's Convetion concerning the abrogation of unequal treaties Chinese social and political science review 15 1931 Document relating to extraterritoriality Chinese social and political science review 15 1931 Fox, Sir Harry. What the surrender of extraterritoriality will mean to us Journal of the (Royal) Central Asian Society 18 1931 Mallory, W. H. The passing of extraterritoriality in China Foreign affairs 9 1931 Maybon, A. Le problème de la suppression des droit internationaux en Chine Asie française 1931 Maybon, A. La rétrocession de la concession belge de Tientsin Asie française 1931 N. B. Domicile in the international settlement of Shanghai Law Journal, 74 1932 A. W. Renton Extra-territorial jurisdiction in China Virginia Law Review, 18 1932 E. B. Price Extraterritoriality in China Oregon Law Review, 11 1932 The international settlement of Schanghai Scots Law Times, (1932) 1932 C. S. Lobinger A quarter century of our extraterritorial court Georgetown Law Journal, 20 1932 Tachi, Sakutaro. The open door in China and Manchuria Contemporary Japan 2ⅳ 1934 Yao, Tso-san. Extraterritoriality and the right to expel aliens People's Tribune N.S. 7 1934 W. W. Lockwood The International Settlement at Schanghai, 1924-34 American Political Science Review, 28 1934 Are extraterritoriality and the international settlement worth while? People's Tribune N.S. 7 1934 Franke, Otto Zur Geschichte der Exterritiorialität in China Sitzungsberichte der Philosophischehistorische-historische Klasse der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 31 1935 Further exchange of notes in respect of China's demand for abolition of extrality Chinese social and political science review 13 1935 A. C. Muhse Taxation of foreign and domestic goods in China Journal of Political Economy, 43 1935 Franke, O. Zur Geschichte der Exterritorialität in China Forschungen und Fortschritte 12 1936 Chang, Kai-shek. China claims the right of self-determination People's Tribune N.S. 15 1936 Williams, E. T. Conceptions of sovereignty in relation to the practice of extraterritoriality Nankai social and economic quarterly 9 1936 Woodhead, H. G. W. Extraterritoriality in China Journal of the (Royal) Central Asian Society 13 1936 Johnstone, W. C. The status of foreign concessions and settlements in the Treaty Ports of China American political science review 31 1937 Wang, C. C. China still waits the end of extraterritoriality Foreign affairs 15 1937 H. D. Hoover Exterritoriality in China State Bar Journal of California, 13 1938 Nagato, Masaji. Tientsin and the foreign concessions Contemporary Japan 8ⅵ 1939 Otte, F. Niederlassungen und Konzessionen im Fernost Zeitschrift für Geopolitik (Berlin) 16 1939 Ueda, Toshio. Neutrality of foreign settlements in China Contemporary Japan 8ⅵ 1939 Ueda, Toshio. Legal status of the British Concession in Tientsin Contemporary Japan 9ii 1940 H. M. Cole Origins of the French Protectrate over Catholic Missions in China American Journal of International Law, 34 1940 Pritchard, E. H. The origins of the most favored-nation and the open door policies in China Far Eastern quarterly 1 1942 Schmahl, S. Die ausländischen Konzessionen in China Zeitschrift für Geopolitik (Berlin) 20 1943 Ueda, Toshio. Exit of foreign rights in China Contemporary Japan 12 1943 Q. Wright The end of extraterritoriality in China American Journal of International Law, 37 1943 Woodhead, H. G. W. Shanghai and Hong Kong: a British view Foreign affairs 23 1945
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